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Group Seflie

relationship comes from doing life


Great Oaks is made up of people from every walk of life, with different goals, different gifts, and different life experiences all coming together to worship and serve our Creator and Savior.

Life Groups are a great way to connect and build relationships in small group settings, to encourage each other, share burdens, and grow in our relationship with God. Find your group today!

Current groups

For more information on a specific group, or to join a group, please contact the group leader listed below, or send an email to

Perfect - Complete - Mature

A Personal and Biblical Approach Toward Spiritual Maturity

Life Group Teachers:

Rotation of Church Leadership

Who Is Invited:


For a potluck dinner & Bible Study


Great Oaks Church

Date and Time:

Wednesdays at 6:00pm


Pastor Jason or Amanda Beck

God desires you to be a complete Christian. One who is not constantly defeated by life and its trials; one who is not swayed by every thought and movement in our culture or stirred by every wind of religious teaching that comes down the pipe.

Your Bible describes this as being mature in Christ. It tells us we should go on past the basic principles of God to maturity (Hebrews 5:12-14). In other scriptures we are told we can even be perfect. Not morally or any other way, but perfect as He sees us. This is accomplished as we grow spiritually into Him who is the Head, which is Jesus Christ.

From His Word, God has given you all you need to live this amazing life. Through this course, you will learn a practical and personal way of spiritual growth to mature in the Lord, so you can measure up to the full and complete standard of Christ.

"G3" Great Oaks Golden Girls

Merce Kennedy and Lela Guy

Life Group Leaders:

Women 50+

Who Is Invited:

Various Restaurants in Prattville/Millbrook


Every Tuesday at 1:30pm

Date and Time:

We are a group of women, age 50+, that meet every Tuesday at 1:30pm for Lunch and Laughs! It is a great place to connect with other women in your age group! Our focus is to grow in our relationship with God and with each other. In addition to our regularly scheduled Lunch and Laughs gatherings on Tuesdays, other fun and exciting special events and outings  are planned throughout the year.

Addictions, Alcoholism

Soul Sisters

Amanda Beck and Tiffany Layton

Life Group Leaders:

Ladies 18+ or accompanied by mother/guardian

Who Is Invited:

Tiffany's home

5481 Overland Rd, Millbrook AL 36054


Every other Tuesday, 6:30pm

Date and Time:

334-324-4317 (Amanda)

334-202-1677 (Tiffany)


Women's small group that will facilitate fellowship and discipleship. Our goal is to grow in our relationship with God, producing mature believers, as well as growing in deeper relationships with one another. We will grow in prayer, quiet time, Bible study, worship, and servanthood to the Body.

A time of light refreshments, coffee and fellowship

will be provided.

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